Welcome to Wild Pine Therapies LLC

…where children grow + thrive!

see daily progress with your little one’s language and feeding skills, from a mom who has been there

Schedule a Consultation Today

Colorado-based one-on-one support for your little one from the convenience and comfort of your home. I promise we’ll have fun, too!

Our Services

  • Free Consultation

    Connect with us! We would love to hear from you. Schedule a phone consultation, share your questions and concerns, and determine the next best steps to support meeting your child’s needs.

  • Evaluation

    Following your consultation, a comprehensive evaluation may be deemed appropriate. This will be completed with a variety of assessment tools to identify areas of strength and need.

  • Treatment

    If applicable, a treatment plan will be created to address areas of need. The plan will be periodically updated as your child’s progress is monitored. Caregivers are encouraged to participate in sessions to support carryover of newly learned skills.

  • Teletherapy

    Teletherapy services are provided through a HIPAA-compliant video platform, which you can access in the comfort and convenience of your home. You will be coached on how to implement therapy strategies, encouraging active involvement in your child’s progress.

  • Service Region

    Because our speech, language and feeding services can be provided via teletherapy, they are available across the state of Colorado! You can easily join sessions through your patient portal. We also provide in-home services in the Arvada and Golden areas.

  • Therapeutic Services

    We offer individualized and tailored treatment in the areas of speech production, expressive + receptive language, play skills, feeding and early intervention — find out more about developmental norms here.

“We are over the moon with the quality of therapy and support provided during our one-on-one sessions. Our child has so much fun + we see the progress every day!” - Allie P.

“If it were not for Ms. K, my son would not want to talk. She is a therapist who enjoys being with kids. Her personality is so bright and positive all the time. No words can express how thankful I am that she is helping my son.” - Mandy H.